WarpUp (67/72)

From:Craig Charles
Date:20 Apr 00 at 20:41:49
Subject:HELP: Modelines PDQ

Appin' doodz,

Bin looking to write some script, like XF86Config for Linux/Redhat, for my

Seeing as this is the group where I've had knowledgable results in the
past, I figured "Hey! Why not ask these guys ?"

Trying to interperate between the (sorry) Windo$e screenmode information,
and the CyberGraphx equivalent.

What I see in Windo$e is....

w1] Pixel Clock
w2] Horiz. Display
w3] Horiz. Front Porch
w4] Horiz. Sync
w5] Horiz. Back Porch
w6] Horiz. Sync Polarity
w7] Vert. Display
w8] Vert. Front Porch
w9] Vert. Sync
wa] Vert. Back Porch
wb] Vert. Sync Polarity

.. and in CGFXMode...

c1] Pixel Clock
c2] Horiz. Resolution
c3] Horiz. Sync Length
c4] Horiz. Pulse Offset
c5] Horiz. Pulse Length
c6] Horiz. Polarity
c7] Vert. Resolution
c8] Vert. Sync Length
c9] Vert. Pulse Offset
ca] Vert. Pulse Length
cb] Vert. Polarity

OK, Pixel clocks are the same thang, as are resolution->display.. but... do
the syncs w4 & w9 equiv. to c3 & c8 ? And what the hell is a back and front
"Porch" - I use those sort of things to sit out on in the summer and drink
beer ! - Summit to do wit' the relevent pulses but how do they equate ?

If anybody knowledgable in this topic could either email me or the group, I'd
be most greatful.

Craig Charles

#mailto: craig.charles@net.ntl.com#